Write a paragraph of at least 250 words to elucidate your opinion on the following statement:(use Havard referencing)
”Natural Science as a compulsory school subject in the Senior Phase prepare learners for Life Sciences in Grade 10”
The purpose of learning natural science is to do the following: develop scientific knowledge and understanding; develop science process skills; and develop an understanding of the roles of science in society. There are three broad subject-specific aims in natural sciences that relate to the purposes of learning science: doing sciences; knowing the subject content and making connections; and understanding the uses of science.
The teaching and learning of natural sciences involves the development of a range of process skills that may be used in everyday life, in the community and in the workplace. For instance, accessing and recalling information. Using a variety of sources to acquire information, and to remember relevant facts and key ideas and build a conceptual framework.
Science is useful because of
its links to technology and industry,
which, from a national perspective,
are areas of high priority for
development. Science provides ways
of making sense of the world
systematically.It develops students’scientific attitudes, such as objectivity, curiosity, and honesty and habits of mind
including critical thinking. All these
are useful to the individual.
Weber, M., 2017. Methodology of social sciences. Routledge.
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