The Effects of Cytokinin on Plant Growth and Development
1. What is the advantage of dissolving kinetin in ethanol before placing it onto the paper disk?
2. Does the duration of the soaking of each disk in distilled water prior to treatment affect the growth of cotyledons measured in fresh weight? Explain.
The Effects of Ethylene on Plant Growth and Development
3. How did ethylene affect the growth and development of the seedlings?
4. What is the "triple response" of etiolated mung bean seedlings to ethylene?
5. What are climacteric and non-climacteric fruits?
1.To prevent possible bacterial contamination.
3.Ethylene controls processes as diverse as germination, root hair development, root nodulation, senescence of organs (including fruit ripening), differential cell growth, abscission, stress responses and resistance to necrotrophic pathogens.
4.The triple response of ethylene-treated etiolated seedlings, including apical hook exaggeration, inhibition of root growth, and shortened hypocotyl, represents one of the best characterized ethylene responses.
5.Climacteric fruits — those that can ripen after being picked, produce much more ethylene than non-climacteric cannot ripen once removed from the plant.
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