Short notes on
Transmission electron microscopy
Tissue culture
Expert's answer
Transmission electron microscopy uses the same basic principles as the light microscope. However, electrons produced by the electron beam are used instead of light. The wavelength of electrons is much smaller than that of light. As a result, the optimal resolution is better than for the light microscope. It helps to reveal the finest details of cellular structures. The image-recording system is based on the use of a fluorescent screen for viewing and focusing the image. In addition, a digital camera is used for images storing.
Autoradiography is used to study the distribution of the radioactive isotopes. For the different objects and organs, autoradiography is used by stripping films or X-ray films. They contain silver bromide particles in a gelatin emulsion. When irradiating, Ag(I) ions are reduced to metallic silver. The silver particles are magnified by a chemical procedure.
Tissue culture is a method of biological research based on the use of fragments of animal or plant tissues that are transferred to a synthetic environment in which they can continue to survive. Cells in culture may change size, shape or function. However, they multiply or interact with other cells.
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