esearchers try to use a truly representative sample of the population of people in whom they are interested—one of the main reasons for using random selection. Even so, the sample is usually selected from within a particular segment of the social world in which the researchers themselves live and work. For example, in the United States there are some fairly distinct differences between people from the northeast and people from the southeast, and the same can be true in many other countries. There are also differences between urban and rural areas. If a psychologist is conducting a study in a particular geographical area of a country, how might regional differences impact the study’s results? What measures could or should the psychologist take to minimize the impact?
Explain the role of glutamate and AMPA/NMDA receptor interaction in the promotion of pyramidal cell excitability, accompanied by spine formation, in the hippocampus.
A 24 year old man met with a accident and sustained a blow to his right arm. Following which he complained of his inability to perform day to day chores like eating, writing etc using his right hand. On local examination,his right wrist and digits of right hand are all seen in flexed position. Which structure is affected. Reason out the clinical findings
A female patient was diagnosed hypothyroidism with complaint of decreased sensations, weakness and pain in the Left wrist for a year. On examination there was tenderness in front of the Left wrist. Investigation showed low thyroid stimulating hormone. What is the diagnosis
Increasing levels of complexity begin at the _____ and _____, and continue to the pons and medulla oblongata, hypothalamus, thalamus, and midbrain, basal nuclei, and cerebral cortex.