What is the overview of reproduction in Eumycota?
In general, Eumycota fungi grow both by asexual and sexual reproduction.
Sexual reproduction is achieved by the formation of spores (gametes) that are haploid and fuse together to produce diploid zygote. Sexual spores are oospores, zygospores, ascospores and basidispores that have been useful in the taxonomic differentiation. Zygote formation is usually followed by asexual reproduction to produce spores and thus completing the cycle.
In asexual reproduction, fungi produce spores. However, they are haploid ia all fungi except oomycota. Different fungi produce different spores including arthrospores, blastospores, chlamidospores, sporangiospores. They are usually thick-walled which are normally produced by budding and are formed. They are nonmotile and present as single-cells or present in multi-compartment sac. Spores are resistant to drying and harsh conditions.
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