In the USA, what is the official standard, for general purposes, for indoor air quality (IAQ) regarding the acceptable density of bacterial and fungal organisms in the air
a- Zero cfu/m3
b- <500 cfu/m3
c- >750 but <999 cfu/m3
d -There are no official standards for microorganisms and IAQ
Expert's answer
Indoor Air Quality: EPA(United States Environmental Protection Agency) does not regulate indoor air, but they do offer assistance in protecting your indoor air quality. You can obtain further information here (it's site of the EPA)
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Assignment Expert
04.11.11, 15:31
Dear Marvin From the text posted by us you can see that "EPA(United
States Environmental Protection Agency) does not regulate indoor air"
hence we can say that right answer is d -There are no official
standards for microorganisms and IAQ
04.11.11, 07:25
so, what is the answer for that question: In the USA, what is the
official standard, for general purposes, for indoor air quality (IAQ)
regarding the acceptable density of bacterial and fungal organisms in
the air a- Zero cfu/m3 b- 750 but
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Dear Marvin From the text posted by us you can see that "EPA(United States Environmental Protection Agency) does not regulate indoor air" hence we can say that right answer is d -There are no official standards for microorganisms and IAQ
so, what is the answer for that question: In the USA, what is the official standard, for general purposes, for indoor air quality (IAQ) regarding the acceptable density of bacterial and fungal organisms in the air a- Zero cfu/m3 b- 750 but
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