Molar mass is calculated by summing the mass of each compound
1. AW of Na: 23, P: 31, O: 16, H: 1)
Na2HPO4 = 46+1+31+4x16 = 142
2. KCl
AW of K: 39, Cl: 35.4
FW of KCl=39 + 35.4 =74.4
3. NaCl
(AW of Na: 23, Cl: 35.5)
FW of NaCl =23+35.45 = 58.5
K:39, H:1,P:31,O:16
FW of KH2PO4 =39+2+31+16×4= 136
4. Molar concentration is mass concentration divided by molar mass
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