What does atp stand for
how many ATP are utilized in order to produce 300 RuBP
Problem: Can water quality be assessed by studying the effects of acid rain on different populations.
Explain how accessing the water quality of aquatic environments can be used to determine the effects of acid rain.
Describe the binomial system of classification
Venning (1949)and Walker(1957)studied the effects of wind on celery collenchyma and found that while the number of collenchyma bundles remained unchanged.Larger areas of collenchyma with heavier cell wall thickening developed at an early stage of experiment Walker (1960) measured the length of collenchyma cell in Datura Stranonium and found that mechanical stimulation decreased their size and thus inhabited elongation. Critically evaluate the experiment results of both.
Explain by means of various examples how chemical and atmospheric pollutions as well as UVB radiation affect plant anatomy
Write brief notes on nodal anatomy and it's systematic value for plants
Describe the anatomical impact and ecological importance of mycorrhizae and nitrogen-fixing bacteria on roots
Discuss fusiform initial and ray initials with reference to their origin, plane of division and the tissue produced
Explain in details how fungi infect and spread through plants. Give various examples