1. Branding:
It involves searing a number, letters, designs or a combination of these put on the skin with a hot iron or with chemicals. Branding is most suited for marking cattle, buffaloes, horses and camels.
2. Tattooing:
It consists of piercing outlines of desired number or letters on the skin inside ears and then incorporating a black vegetable pigment into these punctures. Steel points, each of which carries a small amount of coloured paste into the subcutaneous tissues and cartilage of ear, outline the various letters and figures.
3. Ear Tagging:
Tags or labels are made of light metal or strong plastic with the numbers stamped on them. Tags are fixed generally to the ear with a special tagging forceps.
4. Ear Notching:
Ear notching is mostly used to marl comprises cutting V-shaped notches at specified places along the borders of ears by means of a pair of sharp scissors or pincers.
5. Microchip implants (fish, amphibians, birds).
6. Other.
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