Give concrete example of the following moral principles
Principle 6, Acts done in fear are voluntary ( Glenn:41)
Principle 7, An act done out of fear, however great, is simply voluntary, although it is also regularly conditionally involuntary ( Glenn:41)
Principle 8, External act which are commanded, performed by a person under pending violence which could be reasonably resisted are involuntary and, therefore not imputable (Agapay:25)
Principle 9, An agent is responsible for the evil effect of his indirect voluntariness
Principle 6, Acts done in fear are voluntary ( Glenn:41) - an agent performing an act with fear in full control of his act he does it wilfully, there is awareness, freedom and voluntariness. Acting with fear is simply an accompanying circumstances.
Principle 7, An act done out of fear, however great, is simply voluntary, although it is also regularly conditionally involuntary ( Glenn:41) -
while the act is done out of fear, the agent remains in control of his mind commanding the act to be done, act is voluntary, a human act.
Principle 8, External act which are commanded, performed by a person under pending violence which could be reasonably resisted are involuntary and, therefore not imputable (Agapay:25) - instinctive for a human person to resist violence being inflicted to him by an aggresor. It is a moral duty to make resistance
Principle 9, An agent is responsible for the evil effect of his indirect voluntariness - he has the prudence and choice to refrain from doing it, aware of and foreseeing the danger. the agent is responsible and, therefore, accountable for the evil side effect of the act.
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