In your opinion, is community policing effective or not? Support your answer
with practical examples.
Expert's answer
Community policing is not effective due to the following reasons
failings are that:
The tendency to view community policing as the responsibility of provincial and local police services has led to neglect at higher levels.
Implementation has focused too much on establishing and maintaining Community Police Forums (CPFs). Little effort has been made to develop a comprehensive approach, or to train police and CPF representatives.
The experience of CPFs has differed around the country. The biggest problems occur where scarce resources hamper any kind of policing.
Beyond this, the major challenge is building trust between communities in which some people still regard the police as oppressors and a police force that has not undertaken radical reform.
Community policing has proved most successful in rich (often white) areas, due to financial donations and the desire of citizens to prevent crime. Yet even here, its impact on crime reduction is difficult to assess.
Patchy community policing may displace crime to poorer areas, reinforcing the social divisions the policy was meant to overcome
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