1. Think about one particular instance that you would say that the practice of our government in terms of our regional development was effective specifically focus on the region 3, try to use evidence . in not less than 5 sentences.
2. What do you think are the advantages and challenges of trade to the greater integration of the asian region? Cite an example or evidence. In not less than 5 sentences.
3. In the philippines, the emphasis on regionalization has become even more pronounced with the association of southeast asian nations (ASEAN) integration vision. What is your opinion towards enhancing the collaboration and the creation of an ASEAN identity and puts education at the forefront, considering it as a strategic objective to achieve the region's development agenda of economic, social and cultural growth. justify your answer. And it is not less than 150 words
1.In addition to other everyday steps to prevent COVID-19, physical or social distancing is one of the best tools we have to avoid being exposed to this virus and slow its spread. However, having to physically distance from someone you love—like friends, family, coworkers, or your worship community—can be hard. It may also cause change in plans—for instance, having to do virtual job interviews, dates, or campus tours. Young adults may also struggle adapting to new social routines—from choosing to skip in person gatherings, to consistently wearing masks in public. It is important to support young adults in taking personal responsibility to protect themselves and their loved ones.
2.A dynamic and outward-looking Asian regionalism could bring huge benefits not just to Asia, but to the world. It could help sustain the region's growth, underpin its stability, and—with the right policies—reduce inequality.
3.Regionalizing on a department-wide basis facilitates considerable economies in administrative overhead costs. By establishing only one set of regional offices for each department, it is possible to pro- vide common auxiliary services, such as communication equiP.
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