Indicate how feedback will be given to a haptic, visual and auditory learners.
Haptic is a common learning style in the education process. This strategy involves the use of touch sensations to initiate communication. As an assessor, I will evaluate learners attentiveness through the use of mobile phone vibrations. For instance, letting them describe their experiences when mobile phone vibrations are varied. Besides haptics, I will also employ visual strategies when assessing learners. This will involve letting learners choose concepts that relate to theoretical concepts thought in class. In this case, I will display images on a personal computer and let learners choose the ones relating to the concepts thought in class. Finally, I will also employ auditory strategies in the evaluation process. For example, I will encourage learners to record what they have learned throughout the day in their mobile phones and share the audio files. This will accord me an opportunity to assess their understanding of the concepts thought in class.
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