“Why are LGBT+ people discriminated against?”
Make an essay.
Because some people don't think it natural to like the same sex. I'm straight and I don't really mind them to be honest because i find gays very nice to talk to you and very polite usually and lesbians are nice people too, they just like the same gender and that's okay with me. But still people don't like different people because of their difference. :( It's a shame really.
One of the greatest problems is heteronormativity and heterosexism. Gender binary and patriarchal structures contribute to hatred towards everyone non-heterosexual, non-cissexual, monogamous etc. Not being heterosexual 'implies' that there is no gender order ("man identifies as man and loves women", "woman identifies as woman and loves men"), hence upsetting the majority who cannot fathom what it is like to not conform to traditional values. Very often it makes heterosexual, cissexual people uncomfortable, it makes them "question" their identity. One of its consequences is hatred, violence. Also, many people are not well informed.
I believe people discriminate against gay people due to what they do in the bedroom. A person could be completely fine and wonderful until he/she comes out of the closet. Then it becomes a huge deal because they can only think about what that "gay" person is doing behind closed doors. I find it pathetic that that's all some people think about. They're only human. Love them all equally.
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