1.Let X be a Hausdorff space. Let f:X→R be such that {(x,f(x)):x∈X} is a compact subset of X×R . Show that f is continuous.
2.Let X be a compact Hausdorff space. Assume that the vector space of real-valued continuous functions on X is finite dimensional. Show that X is finite.
Expert's answer
1. Since {(x,f(x)):x∈X} is a compact subset of X×R then X is compact and f(X) is compact. Thus if f is not continuous, then f(X) cannot be continious, so is have to be continuous.
2. C(X) is finitely dimensional, then {e_1(x),...,e_n(x)} is base of C(X). If X is infinite, then there are infinite number of constant functions
f(x)=x, if x=x_0 and f(x)=0, if x <> x_0
All this functions form base of C(X), but since all bases in finite dimensional space have the same cardinality, then X have to be finite !
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