The advertising alternatives for a company include television, radio, and newspaper advertisements. The costs and estimates for audience coverage are given in the table below:
TV newspaper radio
Cost per advertisement $2000 $600 $300
Audience/advertisemet $100,000 $40,000$18,000
The local newspaper limits the number of weekly advertisements from a single company to ten. Moreover, in order to balance the advertising among the three types of media, no more than half of the total number of advertisements should occur on the radio, and at least 10% should occur on television. The weekly advertising budget is $18,200. How many advertisements should be run in each of the three types of media to maximize the total audience?
(a) Formulate the problem above in mathematical model.
(b) Formulate the problem in standard form.
(c) Solve this business problem using the Simplex method.
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18.01.21, 02:16
I have no idea of that
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Dear SHUMILENGKENGKENG. You can try to submit a part of the question in the section of Homework Answers at our website or all parts of the question in the order.
I have no idea of that
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