(i) The subsequence x1; x3; x5; : : : is decreasing.
(ii) The subsequence x2; x4; x6; : : : is increasing.
(iii) Each even-numbered term is less than each odd-numbered term.
Expert's answer
(i) Notice that the subsequence x1; x3; x5…. Can be given by the following formula: has the following consists of sums of geometric progression with first element 1/2 and quotient 1/4: x1=1 x3 =1-(1/2-1/4) = 1-1/4 x5= 1-(1/2-1/4)-(1/8-1/16) = 1-1/4-1/16 x7= 1-1/4-1/16 - 1/64 = 1-1/4(1+1/4+1/4^2) … x_{2n+1} =1-1/4(1+1/4+1/4^2+…+1/4^{n-1}) This shows that the sequence decreases (ii) Notice that the subsequence x2; x4; x6…. consists of sums of geometric progression with first element 1/2 and quotient 1/4: x2=1-1/2=1/2 x4 =(1-1/2)+(1/4-1/8)=1/2+1/8 x6= 1/2+1/8+1/32… … x_{2n} = 1/2(1+1/4+1/4^2 +…+1/4^n) This shows that the sequence increases. (iii) Notice that the sum of geometric progression 1+1/4+1/4^2+… = 1/(1-1/4) = 4/3 Hence every even term is less than 1/2 * 4/3 = 2/3 while every odd term is greater than 1-1/4 *4/3 = 2/3 Thus x2n < 2/3 < x2k+1 for any n,k >0
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