Prove: A subset S of the real numbers is closed if and only if lim (as n goes to infinity) X_n is an element of S whenever (X_n) is a convergent sequence whose terms are all in S.
Expert's answer
By definition a subset S of R is closed if its complement R\S is open.
1) Suppose S is closed, so R\S is open. Let (x_n) be any sequence of elements of S converging to some x. We should show that x belogs to S.
Suppose x belogs to R\S. Since R\S is open, there exist an open interval U=(x-a, x+a) that does not intersect S for some a>0. On the other hand, the sequence (x_n) converges to x, so there exists N>0 such that x_n belogs to U for all n>N. But then x_n with n>N belogs to R\S, which contradicts to the assumptino that x_N belongs to S.
Hence x belongs to S.
2) Conversely, suppose S is not closed, and so R\S is not open. We will find a sequence of points from S converging to some x belonging to R\S.
Notice that the assumptino that R\S is not open means that there exists x from R\S such that for any a>0 the interval (x-a, x+a) contains a point y_a from S. Consider the sequence x_n = y_{1/n}. Since 1/n converges to 0, it follows that x_n converges to x. Thus we obtained as sequence of points from S converging to some x belonging to R\S.
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