1. How did the majority and the minority feel after realizing that the game favored or was stacked against them?
2. Did anyone feel that the game was rigged and unfair? Explain why.
3. Did anyone in the game feel the need to break the rules of the game sometime during the quiz bee? Explain.
4. Did anyone stop participating when he/she felt that the game was unfair? Explain.
5. How did this game apply to the situation that Rodil described in the reading?
6. Who are the people represented by those with the mouth cover and those
without in the context of Mindanao and the Sulu Archipelago?
7. Are all the functions of poverty enumerated by Herbert Gans applicable or relevant to the Philippine setting? If not, what could be the possible reason(s) for this?
8. Do you agree with Gans that poverty has its functions in any society? Why or why not?
9. What insights did you gain from the articles?
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