show neutrons are more effective than fast ones in inducing fission.why?
Expert's answer
It is because slow neutrons have a highest fission probability (called cross-section) to be captured by a fissile nucleus then to trigger fission. The large fission cross-section compensates for the low proportion in the fuel.
One drawback of fast neutrons in reactors is that the probabilities of their capture by nuclei are comparatively small. Travelling in matter, neutrons see nuclei as targets. The apparent cross-section of these targets is much more smaller for fast neutrons than it is for slower neutrons. As a result, an intense neutron flux and a fuel rich in fissile elements are both needed to compensate for this lower probability.
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10.07.20, 18:42
1)why fast neutrons are used for conversion of U-238 to Pu-239. Why
not thermal neutrons 2) conversion of Th-232 to U-233 are used thermal
neutrons than fast neutrons 3) why U-232 isotope is dangerous than
U-233 4) Burnup rate of thermal (PHWR, PWR, BWR, Fast breeder reactor
and AHWR in Th reactor
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Dear visitor, please use panel for submitting new questions
1)why fast neutrons are used for conversion of U-238 to Pu-239. Why not thermal neutrons 2) conversion of Th-232 to U-233 are used thermal neutrons than fast neutrons 3) why U-232 isotope is dangerous than U-233 4) Burnup rate of thermal (PHWR, PWR, BWR, Fast breeder reactor and AHWR in Th reactor
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