According to Matlosa (2017, prescribed e-reserve article), Zambia is classified as an electoral
democracy regime because:
1. It is a totalitarian civilian-authority-led state with largely pre-determined election results.
2. The ruling party enjoys overwhelming majority support in multiparty elections.
3. State-facilitated democratic participation does not extend beyond the holding of regular
multiparty elections.
4. Both 2 and 3.
According to de Jager and Sebudbudu (2017, prescribed e-reserve article) traditional Tswana
values of reverence and submissiveness to authority have given way to a democracy
characterised by:
1. Strong presidency
2. Weak opposition parties and parliament
3. Weak civil society
4. All the above
2. The ruling party enjoys overwhelming majority support in multiparty elections.
2. Weak opposition parties and parliament
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