1. Write a Linux shell script that allow the user to enter a choice based on the following options:
A – Delete a file in current directory B – Create a directory in current directory.
C – Change a file access mode to 755. D – Rename a file to another name E – Copy a file to another directory.
If the user entered any other choices than the above, prompt the user to pick only A – E.
Provide the shell script along with the sample output screenshot. Refer to the attached rubrics as a guide. Print a copy of the rubrics to be attached with this lab report.
int main()
string bd = "BD.txt";
fstream fs;
fstream fe;
string str, msg, ftr, ltr, ntr, mtr, ktr;
char ch, ce;
string ster, sty;
int y = 0, x, selectdata, savedata, loaddata, save = 0, i = 0, deletedata, e = 0;
bool exit = false;
const int size = 10;
int arrx = 0;
int enter1 = 0, enter2, enter3 = 0, enter4, enter5 = 0;
double result;
vector<string> data = { "" };
if (fs.peek() == EOF)
cout << "File BD empty" << endl;
cin >> enter1;
while (!fs.eof())
data[i] = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * size);
fs >> data[i] >> ch;
if (i > 0)
ster = ch + data[i];
data[i] = ster;
ce = ch;
cout << data[i] << "\0" << endl;
if (i > 0)
cin >> loaddata;
while (fe.peek() == EOF)
cout << "File " << data[i] << "empty or does not exist!" << endl;
cin >> enter1;
while (!fe.eof())
msg = "";
getline(fe, msg);
cout << msg << endl;
cin >> enter1;
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