Processing has functions that let you determine the time of day: second(), minute(), and hour(). You will use the minute and second functions to control a sketch with two items in it. Save the sketch with the name time.
Use the minute() function to control the position of one item.
Use the second() function to control the size of the other item.
The position and size changes must be evident. The fill color for the “seconds” indicator must not change.
For example, you might choose a triangle as the indicator for the minute, and move it vertically down the sketch as time progresses. You might choose an ellipse for the second indicator, and make it longer as the seconds progress. None of this requires the use of any conditionals (though if you do want to use conditionals for extra visual effect, feel free). Here are two further specifications which do require conditionals:
Change the background color of the sketch depending upon which quarter-minute it is: 0-14, 15-29, 30-44, 45-59.
Change the fill color of
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