All the informationbelonging to the company can be divided into two types: the mass and "only
for employees". The first is public information, like the name of company,
features, power, etc. Its can be freely distributed over Internet. But the
second type can be divided in two subtypes, such as for "a wide range of
workers" and "a limited group of people". The first subtype
include all the information that directly connected with employees, but may be
freely distributed within the company. This, the best implemented
through an intranet, due to the low level of protection. For example, it may be
working mail of employees, advertisements, announcements and more. The second
subtype is the information that mast have the highest protection because
familiar with only limited users and this requires appropriate software, what
can provide by extranet of company. For example, this information can be a
joint project of several employees, or private mail of company executives.
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