/ 17
How many subnets does the chosen mask produce?
How many valid hosts per subnet are available?
What are the valid subnets?
What’s the broadcast address for each subnet?
What are the valid hosts in each subnet?
hi Ann, /17 has a subnet mask of hence we will work in
the 3rd octect because it belongs to class B. The no. of subnets it
would give is 2^1 = 2 and hosts= (2^15)-2. For valid subnets its
256-128 and the rest you can do after getting all these values! Hope
this will help.
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hi Ann, /17 has a subnet mask of hence we will work in the 3rd octect because it belongs to class B. The no. of subnets it would give is 2^1 = 2 and hosts= (2^15)-2. For valid subnets its 256-128 and the rest you can do after getting all these values! Hope this will help.
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