Talkingabout the principal design features of .NET framework, one of its main features
is that it provides developers with the freedom of using similar skill set to
develop different types of computer application which can be used across
various types of devices as well as environments. The next of the principal
design feature of Microsoft .NET framework is that it is used on those
computers systems which run on Microsoft windows operating systems. There is a huge library consisting of codedsolutions presented for simple programming issues and a virtual machine to
direct the execution of those programs which were written specially for the
Thenext Microsoft .NET framework principal design features are such that this dot
net framework has compatibility with various programming languages in a way
such that it permits language interoperability, where every programming
language can make use of the code developed in different languages.
Itis important to note down regarding the principal design features of .NET
framework is that its library can be used by all the programming languages
which are supported by .NET facilitates. In simple words, the principal design
features of .NET framework is that it is product of Microsoft Corporation The .NET Framework is a Microsoft offering and is intended to be used bymost new applications created for the Windows platform.
Presentedbelow is the summary of Microsoft .NET framework principal design features,
which will help you gain better understanding. Lets us take a look:
Interoperability: To provideinteroperability, which is one of the principal design feature of Microsoft
.NET framework, there is an access provided to COM components in the System.
Common Runtime Engine: It is the principal designfeature of Microsoft .NET framework which is actually a virtual machine
component of the .NET framework. All the programs run under the direction of
the CLR, thus ensuring some specific properties and behaviors in the areas of
memory management, security, and exception handling.
Language Independence: One of the principaldesign features of Microsoft .NET framework is that it is language independent.
It consists of Common Type System, also known as CTS. It is a kind of standard defining all thedata types and programming constructs supported by the CLR and the manner in
which they might or might not be interacting with each other conforming to the
Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) standards. This feature makes the .NET
Framework as language independent framework.
Base Class Library: The principal designfeatures of .NET framework include Base Class Library (BCL), a division of the
Framework Class Library (FCL), which is a library of functions meant to be used
by all languages using the .NET Framework. The function of BCL is to provide
classes which are used to summarize a number of common functions, like reading
and writing in files, graphic rendering, database interaction, XML document
manipulation and so on.
Simplified Deployment: Microsoft .NET frameworkprincipal design features also comprise design features and tools which have
primary function of handling the software installation in the computer system
and ensuring that it does not create ant interference with the already
installed software, and that it obey the rules to ensure the security of the system.
Security: This principal design features of.NET framework is supposed to deal with some of the vulnerabilities, like
buffer overflows exploited by malicious software. In addition to this, .NET
also offers a common security model for all applications.
Portability: This principal design feature ofMicrosoft .NET framework permits it to be platform agnostic, and therefore it
is compatible with different platforms. This feature of Microsoft .NET
framework also makes a way for third parties to develop compatible
implementations of this framework and its languages on platforms other than
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