Describe the CSP to solve a map colouring problem using the solver from (Steps: Find a representation for map area adjacency, define a colour domain, run some example maps.)
Computational Intelligence: a logical approach.
% Prolog Code.
% A CSP solver using arc consistency
% Copyright (c) 1998, Poole, Mackworth, Goebel and Oxford University Press.
% csp(Domains, Relations) means that each variable has
% an instantiation to one of the values in its Domain
% such that all the Relations are satisfied.
% Domains represented as list of
% [dom(V,[c1,...,cn]),...]
% Relations represented as [rel([X,Y],r(X,Y)),...]
% for some r
csp(Doms,Relns) :-
% ac(Dom,Relns) is true if the domain constrants
% specified in Dom and the binary relations
% constraints specified in Relns are satisfied.
ac(Doms,Relns) :-
% make_arcs(Relns, Arcs) makes arcs Arcs corresponding to
% relations R
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