1. To store the price of item
Dim price as decimal
2. to record when a transaction occured
Dim transaction as Date
3. to store a phone number
Answer: dim phonenumber as string
4. to store the num of transaction in a large database.
Dim numoftransaction as integer
5. convertion for string to Date
Dim date as datetime = datetime
6. convert Decimal to string
Dim total as Decimal
Expert's answer
Answers 1-4 are correct, while answers 5 and 6 require some changes
---------------- & 1. to store the price of item & Dim price as decimal ---------------- & 2. to record when a transaction occured & Dim transaction as Date ---------------- & 3. to store a phone number & dim phonenumber as string ---------------- & 4. to store the num of transaction in a large database. & Dim numoftransaction as integer & ---------------- & 5. convertion for string to Date >& Dim date as datetime = datetime
the code should be like this:
Dim datetime As Date = "25/3/1967"
---------------- & 6. convert Decimal to string & > Dim total as Decimal > lblanswer=total.tostring & if variable lblanswer is not declared, then the code should be as follows
& Dim total As Decimal & Dim lblanswer As String = total.ToString
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