The transition from high school to university is a major concern to first year students. A common expectation of students is that a university education will enhance their academic and vocational prospects, but also provide opportunities to become independent and to enjoy themselves. Many of first year students also have an expectation that in the university they will make new friendships with students from different races and ethnicity.
A number of students also experience homesickness. Others expect to gain a sense of belonging, attend freshmen orientation activities, get involved in extracurricular activities, and find a part-time job. It's important to stay busy and meet new people. Some of the students also expect that the university life won’t be different from that of high school.
Many students are expect the freedoms that come with leaving home for the first time and living on their own without anybody telling them to do this and this. This occupies most students' thoughts when it comes to their first year of university, however the reality of studying at the undergraduate level quickly dawn on many for whom the experience will be quite often a shock from the confines of the school classroom.
However, survey of the first year experience confirms that transitioning to university can be an eye-opener that is what students expect might not be what they necessary experience in the university.
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