Compare the mechanisms for the following substitution and addition reactions of benzene:
o   the Friedel-Crafts reactionÂ
o   the sulfonation of benzene
o   the chlorination of benzeneÂ
o   the hydrogenation benzene
You will need to illustrate and explain the reaction mechanism for each one, as well as the similarities and differences that exist between them.
could you list some similarities and differences between them please?
In above Reaction Two types of rection are present .
1) Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution reaction.
2) Electrophic Addition Reaction.
Both reaction have similarities =
( i ) Both reaction used Alkene as reactant .
( ii ) Both use electrophile .
o Friedel-Crafts reactionÂ
o   sulfonation of benzene
o   chlorination of benzeneÂ
Above all reaction are electrophilic aromatic substitution reation .
 hydrogenation of benzene is Electrophic addition reaction .
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