3.2.1 Write the state-space form of equation using the state assignments
X = [Vx iL]^t , y = Vx.
3.2.2 Write the state-space form of equation (7) using the state assignments
X = [Vx V×]^t , y = Vx
3.2.3 Show that the transfer function of the circuit in Figure 4, could be written :
G2(s) = Vx/Vu = 1/ (LCs² + CRs +1)
3.2.4 Show that the transfer function G2(s) could also be written as :
G3(s) = w²n/(s² + 2 ζwns + w²n) where the natural frequency is given as wn = 1/√LC .
What is the expression for the damping factor ζ.
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