A ship is sailing at a bearing of 324° when it receives an order to change course to due East. Through how many degrees should it turn to align East?
1. Give reasons why the study of clay minerals is of importance .
2. State six uses of Kaolinite.
3.Soil organic matter is repeatedly stressed as the key factor in sustainable land management . Briefly discuss .
4.Briefly explain the structure and role of enzymes in the soil.
Assuming a level area of granite rock was the parent material in both cases, describe in general terms how would you expect two soil profiles differ ,one in a warm, semiarid grassland and the other in a cool, humid pine forest
How will you address the result of these practices and its magnitude to the
government since your generation are considered as the hope of the motherland?
What will be the impact of this human practices in geological processes
such as weathering and erosion?
From the lists of human activities/practices, tell how these practices may trigger the
alterations of rock layers.
Human Activities/Practices
How it will affect the rock layers?
1. Mining
2. Quarrying
3. Kaingin system of farming
4. Converting elevated areas into
subdivisions and roads
5. Forest denudation
1. Which in the list of human practices can be considered as detrimental to
human and other living things?
2. What will be the impact of this human practices in geological processes
such as weathering and erosion?
3. How will you address the result of these practices and its magnitude to the
government since your generation are considered as the hope of the motherland?
how mining will affect the rock layers