How African used religion to resist colonialism with reference to African independent churches,negro spiritual and the Haitian revolution
Who initiated the 1976 student revolt and why
Suppose you are a Foundation Phase teacher, and you wish your learners to learn
based on the following beliefs:
Learning through the senses to develop self-actualisation
Learning through self-discovery
Learning through the environment and documentation
List the names of the theorists behind these beliefs and explain the importance of
learning based on the theories listed above.
What is meant by an ‘inclusive learning system’ in current South African schools?
Concisely recap the major debate about the “brown Afrikaners” of Riemvasmaak as represented by Martin Legassick.
Examine the main contours between the popular revolts and the revolt of 1857 during the period of your study?
Critically discuss the rational behind the interest of the British parliament upon the east India company affairs since the end of the 18 century?
Read with attention the contribution by Julia Wells. Then create a two-column presentation format, titled as respectively “Myths/Fiction/Against the grain” and “Facts/Reality”. Identify five possible examples in each of “Myths…” and “Facts…” in her argument (type the appropriate examples from the article that you have identified in the suitable column, while also indicating the page, paragraph and line(s) you refer to) (10).
Discuss four (4) examples of Post-colonial representations in the Pacific region. How have these representations contributed in either fostering or damaging Pacific consciousness (awareness/appreciation) for you?
a) Identify ONE way in which African states or societies changed as a result of the Cold War.
b) Explain how ONE African state was affected by the Cold War.
c) Explain ONE way in which events in Africa affected the broader context of the Cold War.