a) Electronic governance or e-governance can be defined as the usage of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) by the government to provide and facilitate government services, exchange of information, communication transactions and integration of various standalone systems and services. Through e-governance, government services are made available to citizens in a convenient, efficient, and transparent manner. The three main target groups that can be distinguished in governance concepts are government, citizens, and businesses/interest groups.
The IT Act, 2000 empowers the Central Government to prescribe the following; Type of digital signature. Also, the manner and format of affixing the digital signature. Procedures which facilitate the identification of the person affixing the digital signature.
b) A digital signature is a mathematical technique used to validate the authenticity and integrity of a message, software or digital document. The following procedure is involved in creation and verification of digital signature;
Step 1: On clicking the link, the document should open in an electronic signature tool.
Step 2: The user will be asked to agree to electronic signing. After the user confirms agreement, he or she would be required to follow certain instructions to start or sign.
Step 3: On clicking each tag and adhering to the instructions, the user can add the digital signature.
Step 4: The final and important step is to verify one’s identity and follow the instructions to add the digital signature.
c) A hash function is a function that takes a set of inputs of any arbitrary size and fits them into a table or other data structure that contains fixed-size elements
Computer network, two or more computers that are connected with one another for the purpose of communicating data electronically. A computer virus is a malicious software program loaded onto a user’s computer without the user’s knowledge and performs malicious actions.
d) Every subscriber shall exercise reasonable care to retain control of the private key corresponding to the public key listed in his Digital Signature Certificate and take all steps to prevent its disclosure.
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