Management Answers

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Name and explain FIVE (5) common threats that can interrupt a digital bank.

Describe SIX (6) drawbacks of implementing digital banks. Answers can be from the view points of the consumers and/or financial institutions.

List and describe TEN (10) benefits that can be derived from this emerging technology. Your answer can be from the view point of being the customer and/or financial institutions.

Discuss the roles played by these different important stakeholders i.e state,

employer, employee and unions?

Discuss the roles played by these different important stakeholders (state, 

employer, employee and unions) and provide reasons why such a relationship is crucial for the 

benefits of all. 

The chief impact officer, who is responsible for transforming the organization by developing strategy, is most likely a ___________________.

a. top manager

b. first-line manager 

c. middle manager

In this job, you would be working with advertising agencies to create appealing stories about our brand. __________________________

a. marketing manager

b. operations manager

c. human resource manager

d. financial manager

As part of this job, you would be implementing budgetary controls to better manage costs of operations. ____________________________

a. human resource manager

b. operations manager

c. marketing manager

d. financial manager

Candidates with experience redesigning manufacturing facility layouts to improve efficiency are preferred. ____________________________

a. marketing manager

b. financial manager

c. operations manager

d. human resource manager

While the “future of work” was well underway before the pandemic, COVID-19 has clearly hastened its arrival.”

Elaborate on term “future of work” and discuss the impact this will have on leadership and human capital management.

In your own words and using practical examples, explain the importance of printing for the public relations industry (10)

Umtata University is a reputable world-class university with 6000 students enrolled in the school of accounting in each semester. However, the school is experiencing a turnover of chartered accountant lecturers who feel that they deserve a better pay rate as compared to their counterparts working in the private sector. This is affecting the tuition for students and the reputation of the organisation. 

Briefly discuss the process which can be used to assist the HR practitioner of Umtata University to determine the compensation system to retain the lecturers

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