Non-Profit Organisation (NPO) in Southern Africa is keen on exploring the use of
ICT to support development in the villages. They have been informed by different
individuals that Drones could offer them the necessary solutions to meet this need.
The NPO is unsure as to where to start and how to go about using these Drones. Help
the NPO by searching the Internet and find a solution.
In not more than 5 pages, submit a report that includes the following:
1. Identify the Sector and explain how the drone is used in that particular sector
(1 page).
3. Describe the Type of drone that is selected (1 page):
i. HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE e.g. speed, camera quality, smart
modes, flight time, range, difficulty, playfulness
4. Briefly discuss why you have suggested this Drone to the NPO
5. In your view, what is the future of Drone technology in society
6. Reference the site(s) you have used. Apply APA style (go to Lesson 0 for
further assistance)
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