The elements of the field "\\mathbb Q[x]\/\\langle x-5\\rangle" have the form "[f(x)]=f(x)+(x-5)\\mathbb Q[x]". According to the Polynomial Euclidean Algorithm for any polynomial "f(x)\\in\\mathbb Q[x]" there is a unique polinomial "r(x)\\in \\mathbb Q[x]" such that "f(x)=(x-5)q(x)+r(x),\\ \\deg(r(x))<\\deg(x-5)=1," for some unidue polinomial "q(x)\\in\\mathbb Q[x]". It follows from "\\deg(r(x))<1" that "r(x)=r\\in\\mathbb Q", and thus "[f(x)]=[r]." Therefore, "\\mathbb Q[x]\/\\langle x-5\\rangle=\\{[r]\\ :\\ r\\in\\mathbb Q\\}".
Let us define a map "f:\\mathbb Q\\to\\mathbb Q[x]\/\\langle x-5\\rangle, \\ \\ f(r)=[r]." Taking into account that "f(a+b)=[a+b]=[a]+[b]=f(a)+f(b)" and "f(a\\cdot b)=[a\\cdot b]=[a]\\cdot [b]=f(a)\\cdot f(b)", we conclude that "f" is a field homomorphism. Since the reminder is a unique, "a\\ne b" implies "[a]\\ne [b]", and therefore, "f" is injective. For each "[r]\\in\\mathbb Q[x]\/\\langle x-5\\rangle" we have that "f(r)=[r]", and "f" is surjective. Consequently, "f" is a field isomorphism, and "\\mathbb Q[x]\/\\langle x-5\\rangle" isomorphic to "\\mathbb Q" as field.
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