There are AssignmentExpert's buttons with images of Facebook, Google+,
YouTube, Twitter to the right of the answer field . If you choose the
Facebook button, the corresponding link goes to a Facebook web page,
where you need to log in and then press the button 'Like' at the top
near photos.
Swati Verma
30.10.18, 07:57
Where is the your like button?
Assignment Expert
28.10.18, 13:57
Dear Swati, You are welcome. We are glad to be helpful. If you liked
our service please press a like-button beside the answer field. Thank
28.10.18, 07:16
Thanks for helping me
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There are AssignmentExpert's buttons with images of Facebook, Google+, YouTube, Twitter to the right of the answer field . If you choose the Facebook button, the corresponding link goes to a Facebook web page, where you need to log in and then press the button 'Like' at the top near photos.
Where is the your like button?
Dear Swati, You are welcome. We are glad to be helpful. If you liked our service please press a like-button beside the answer field. Thank you!
Thanks for helping me
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