What is the largest three digit number that you can make if you use 20 stripes?
the largest 3-digit number is 999. we count the number of lines in it. (The number 9 has 6 lines): 3 * 6 = 18
According to the terms of the case, the number was to be 20 lines. so we can find a few missing lines:
20 - 18 = 2
According to the picture above, a number consisting of more than 6 lines is 8. It consist of 7 lines.
if we replace one 9 by 8, the number of lines increases by one. and we had 2 lines less. so we need to replace the two 9's by 8's. As a result, the requested number consists of 2 numbers 8 and 1 number 9.
to find the largest number in such a composition, we place the smallest number in the row of units, and the largest number in the row of hundreds. resulting in 988
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