2009 2010
Lifter Distribution Lifter Distribution
Factory A 15% Factory A 20%
Factory B 15% Factory B 35%
If there are currently 45 heavy lifters at Factory A and the company increase it’s fleet by 60%, how many total lifters will be at factory A and Factory B after they are redistributed?
At first there were 100% of heavy lifters, then company increased its
fleet by 60% and we got 160%. Number 1.6 is a decimal form of 160%.
Numbers are essential, because actual values are calculated.
08.12.16, 08:12
Where do you get the 1.6
Assignment Expert
05.08.14, 18:49
Because we do not calculate 15 percents out of 45, we regard 45 as
amount of 15 percents and find the amount of 100 percents.
23.07.14, 05:09
why did u put 45*100/15 instead of 45*15/100? and from where did you
get the 1.6?
12.05.14, 17:52
Not at all:-)
Assignment Expert
12.05.14, 15:07
Dear Julia You’re absolutely right, thanks for correcting us!
12.05.14, 12:30
But it's not the correct answer! The answer is: sum in current
year=(45*100)/15=300 sum next year=300*1,6=480 sum of Factory A and B
next year=480*0,2+480*0,35=264 Answer: 264 lifters
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At first there were 100% of heavy lifters, then company increased its fleet by 60% and we got 160%. Number 1.6 is a decimal form of 160%. Numbers are essential, because actual values are calculated.
Where do you get the 1.6
Because we do not calculate 15 percents out of 45, we regard 45 as amount of 15 percents and find the amount of 100 percents.
why did u put 45*100/15 instead of 45*15/100? and from where did you get the 1.6?
Not at all:-)
Dear Julia You’re absolutely right, thanks for correcting us!
But it's not the correct answer! The answer is: sum in current year=(45*100)/15=300 sum next year=300*1,6=480 sum of Factory A and B next year=480*0,2+480*0,35=264 Answer: 264 lifters
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