1.Show that if d ≠ 0, then d | (-a) and -d | a.
2.Show that it is false that a>b implies a|b.
3.Is 980637 divisible by 7? Show.
4.Determine whether of the following are divisible by 3, 5, 7, 9, or 11 using the methods described int he text:
A. 1969
B. 28350
C. 1421
D. 17303
E. 116424
F. 1089
5.Classify each of the following as true or false:
A. 6 is a divisor of 24.
B. 40 is a multiple of 8.
C. 0 divides 10.
D. 13 is a factor of 33.
E. 12 divides 6.
6.Show that 23n -1 is divisible by 7.
7.Show that 5n - 1 is divisible by 4.
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