Suppose T "\\isin" L(V) is invertible.
(a) Suppose "\\lambda\\isin" F with "\\lambda" not= 0. Prove that "\\lambda" is an eigenvalue of T if and only if 1/"\\lambda" is an eigenvalue of T-1.
(b) Prove that T and T-1 have the same eigenvectors.
"\\lambda" is an eigenvalue of "T"
"\\iff" there exists a nonzero "v\\in V" such that "Tv=\\lambda v"
"\\iff" there exists a nonzero "v\\in V" such that "T^{-1}Tv=T^{-1}\\lambda v"
"\\iff" there exists a nonzero "v\\in V" such that "v=\\lambda T^{-1}v"
"\\iff" there exists a nonzero "v\\in V" such that "\\dfrac{1}{\\lambda}v=T^{-1}v"
"\\iff \\dfrac{1}{\\lambda}" is an eigenvalue of "T^{-1}."
Note that since "T" is invertible, "T" is injective.
Suppose "(0, v)" is an eigencouple of "T." Then "Tv=0" ; thus "v=0" and in fact there cannot be any eigenvectors of "T" corresponding to "0."
Now, suppose "v" is an eigenvector of "T" corresponding to "\\lambda\\not=0."
By the proof of (a), "v" is an eigenvector of "T^{-1}" corresponding to "\\dfrac{1}{\\lambda}."
So all eigenvectors of "T" are eigenvectors of "T^{-1}"; reversing the roles of "T" and "T^{-1}"yields the reverse inclusion and completes the proof.
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