If the numerator of a fraction is doubled and the denominator is increased by 7, the value becomes 2/3; but if the denominator is doubled and the numerator is increased by 2, the value becomes 3/5. What is the original fraction?
Let "\\cfrac{x}{y}-" the original fraction, x - the numerator, y - the denominator.
"\\begin{cases}\n \\cfrac{2x}{y+7}=\\cfrac{2}{3}\\\\\n \\cfrac{x+2}{2y}=\\cfrac{3}{5}\n \\end{cases}"
"\\begin{cases}\n 6x=2y+14\\\\\n5x+10=6y\n \\end{cases}"
"\\begin{cases}\n y=3x-7\\\\\n5x-6(3x-7)+10=0\n \\end{cases}"
"\\cfrac{4}{5}-" the original fraction.
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