1 A ... is a rectangular array of numbers that are enclosed within a bracket .
(A) horizontal
(B) set
(C) vertical
(D) matrix
2 Given a matrix 2 1 1 0 list the numbers of the first row .
(A) [1,0]
(B) [0,1]
(C) [2,1]
(D) [1,1]
3 Given a matrix 1 4 −3 3 0 1 4 −1 2 list the numbers of the first row .
(A) [4 0 -1]
(B) [1 3 4]
(C) [3 0 1]
(D) [4 0 2]
4 When the numbers of rows is equal to the numbers of columns equal to 'n'. Where m=n.Then is called ..
(A) a square matrix
(B) a column
(C) a row
(D) a matrix
5 Consider a 3x3 square matrix given as 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 . What is the element in a22
(A) 2
(B) 0
(C) 1
(D) 0,0
6 Let A be a nxn square matrix . A is a symmetric matrix if A equal to
(A) AT
(B) B
(C) C
(D) 4BT
7 Solve the following : a+b+37 = 6, 2a+2b-32 = 9, a+2b-62= -4.
(A) 12,-7,31
8 How is the determinant of A written
(A) |A|
(B) [A]
(C) {A}
(D) A
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