Consider a project consisting of nine jobs (A, B, C,….,I) with the following precedence
relations and time estimates.
Job Predecessor Time (Days)
A -- 15
B -- 10
C A,B 10D AB 10
E B 5
F DE 5
G CF 20
H DE 10
I GH 15
project network:
graph constructed by principle: if job A is predecessor of job B, then arrow goes from node A to node B
A, B are predecessors of C and D: arrows from A to C and D, and from B to C and D
B is predecessor of E: arrow from B to E
D, E are predecessors of F: arrows from D to F, and from E to F
C, F are predecessors of G: arrows from C to G, and from F to G
D, E are predecessors of H: arrows from D to H, and from E to H
G, H are predecessors of I: arrows from G to I, and from H to I
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