Suppose alpha increases on [a,b] a less than or equal to x0 less than or equal to b ,alpha is continuous at x0 ,f(x0) =1 and f(x )=0 if x not equal to x0 .prove that f element. Of R(alpha) and that integral a to b fdalpha =0
Let P = {y0, y1, ..., yn} be a partition of [a, b], i.e
a = y0 ≤ y1 ≤ · · · ≤ ynn1 ≤ yn = b.
We have that there exist yj , j = 0, ..., n, such that x0 = yj or yj-1 < x < yj
. In either case,
we see that
U(P, f, α) ≤ α(yj ) ) α(yj-1) + α(yj+1) ) α(yj ) = α(yj+1) ) α(yj-1),
L(P, f, α) = 0.
Since α is continuous at x0 we see that
|α(yj+1) ) α(yj-1)| → 0 as i → ∞.
inf U(P, f, α) = 0.
Therefore f ∈ R(α) and that "\\int"f dα = 0.
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