A connecting of rod 24 inches in length is attached at Q to a drive wheel whose radius is 6 in. when OP, the distance from P to the center of the wheel, is 26 inches, find the angle QOP.
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28.05.18, 09:37
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28.05.18, 04:18
As seen from a point P, one end A of an island is 4 miles away and the
other end B is 1 mile away. The island subtends at P and angle of
110°. Find the length of the island.
28.05.18, 04:11
A flagpole 25 ft high, standing on the edge of the roof of a high
building, when seen from a point A on the ground subtends an angle of
3°50’. If A is 200 ft from the bottom of the pole, how far is it
from the top?
28.05.18, 04:04
Two points, A and B, are separated by an obstacle. The straight line
DAC is run making AC = 550 ft and AD = 1100 ft. The angle BCA is found
to be 57° and angle BDA to be 47°. Find the distance AB.
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Dear visitor, please use the panel for submitting new questions.
As seen from a point P, one end A of an island is 4 miles away and the other end B is 1 mile away. The island subtends at P and angle of 110°. Find the length of the island.
A flagpole 25 ft high, standing on the edge of the roof of a high building, when seen from a point A on the ground subtends an angle of 3°50’. If A is 200 ft from the bottom of the pole, how far is it from the top?
Two points, A and B, are separated by an obstacle. The straight line DAC is run making AC = 550 ft and AD = 1100 ft. The angle BCA is found to be 57° and angle BDA to be 47°. Find the distance AB.
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