ย Show that the Jones matrix representing a linear polarizer whose transmission axis is at an arbitrary angle ๐ with respect to the horizontal is given by
ย ๐(๐) =( ย ๐๐๐ 2๐ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ๐ ๐๐๐๐๐๐ ๐ย ย ย ย )ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย
ย ย ย ย ย ๐ ๐๐๐๐๐๐ ๐ ย ๐ ๐๐2๐ย
The polarizer acts on a plane wave with arbitrary polarization. The electric field of our plane wave may be written as
Let the transmission axis of the polarizer be specified by the unit vector "\\hat e_1" and the absorption axis of the polarizer be specified by "\\hat e_2" (orthogonal to the transmission axis). The vector "\\hat e_1" is oriented at an angle ฮธ from the x-axis. We need to write the electric field components in terms of the new basis specified by "\\hat e_1" and "\\hat e_2". By inspection of the geometry, the x-y unit vectors are connected to the new coordinate system via:
So, the electric field will be
After traversing the polarizer, the field becomes
We now have the field after the polarizer, but it would be nice to rewrite it in terms of the original xโy basis.
Substitution of these relationships into together with the definitionsย for "E_1" and "E_2" yields
"E_{after} (z,t) = [(E_xcos\\theta+E_ysin\\theta)(cos\\theta\\hat x+sin\\theta\\hat y)+ \\xi[(-E_xsin\\theta+E_ycos\\theta)(-sin\\theta\\hat x+cos\\theta\\hat y)e^{i(kz-\\omega t)}"
If we represent the electric field as a two-dimensional column vector with its x component in the top and its y component in the bottom (like a Jones vector), then we can rewrite
"E_{after}(z,t)=\\begin{bmatrix}\n cos^2\\theta+\\xi sin^2\\theta & sin\\theta cos\\theta-\\xi sin\\theta cos\\theta \\\\\n sin\\theta cos\\theta-\\xi sin\\theta cos\\theta & sin^2\\theta+\\xi cos^2\\theta\n\\end{bmatrix}\\begin{bmatrix}\n E_x \\\\\n E_y \\end{bmatrix}e^{i(kz-\\omega t)}"
The matrix here is a properly normalized Jones matrix, even though we did not bother factoring out "E_{eff}" to make a properly normalized Jones vector. We can now write down the Jones matrix for a polarizer by inserting ฮพ = 0 into the matrix:
"M(\\theta)=\\begin{bmatrix}\n cos^2\\theta & sin\\theta cos\\theta \\\\\n sin\\theta cos\\theta & sin^2\\theta\n\\end{bmatrix}" (polarizer with transmission axis at angle ฮธ)
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