Four kg of water is placed in an enclosed volume of 1m3. Heat is added until the temperature is 150°C. Find ( a ) the pressure, ( b )the mass of vapor, and ( c ) the volume of the vapor.
i have no word for what you did to help us. thankyou
Assignment Expert
28.07.20, 17:43
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Afra Syab
28.07.20, 12:42
Five kilograms of steam occupies a volume of 10m^3. Find the quality
and the pressure if the temperature is measured at (a) 40oC and (b)
860C. ANS: (a) 0.1024, 7.383 kPa (b) 0.7312, 60.3 kPa
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i have no word for what you did to help us. thankyou
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Five kilograms of steam occupies a volume of 10m^3. Find the quality and the pressure if the temperature is measured at (a) 40oC and (b) 860C. ANS: (a) 0.1024, 7.383 kPa (b) 0.7312, 60.3 kPa
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