Learning Task No. 3 Mind Test
1-5 Matters to be entered in the journal The Constitution requires the following to be entered in the journal
A.The yeas (affirmative votes) and nays (negative votes) on any question at the request of one-fifth of the members
B.The rejection of bills proposal
C.The yeas and nays on the passage of a bill upon its last reading even in the absence of a request to that effect as it is of great importance that such vote be recorded so that the people may know the stand of their representatives on a particular measure
D.The execution of prisoners of wars
E.Such other matters which each House in its discretion may direct to be so entered in the journal
F.Journals of cases of the members of the House of Representatives
G.The yeas and nays on the repassage of a bill vetoed by the President and the names of the members of each House voting for or against.
H.The vote of each members of the House of Representatives in impeachment cases.
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